Passing into Summer


This painting is 12″ x 24″ x 2″ on a hand-made wooden panel with cradle. The sides can be painted white or black depending on buyers preference.
The idea with these paintings is what can be created within the balance of motion and stillness. Initially I start with paint pours and gently guiding and manipulating the flow and direction by holding the board and moving it around this way and that to create an organic patterning. I follow this process of movement with a session of still, focused application of paint, in which I consciously paint with tiny brushes back into the patterns created through movement. During this process I carefully consider color and value contrast to bring the painting forward. I go back and forth in this process until I feel that the painting has reached it’s full potential. So these paintings are based on finding a harmonious balance between chance and intention–rather like life. In the end I have a colorful interwoven tapestry effect with layers upon layers of a grid-like spidering patterns. I titled this work Passing into Summer, because I painted them in June, and there is a certain way that I feel when passing into the summer season, a sense of ease, balanced with enthusiasm, that I feel that these paintings seem to speak to.


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